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Whai is Internet and How It works - Full details of Internet

Whai is Internet and How It works - Full details of Internet?

What is Internet:

The Internet has been in a state of continuous evolution, some simplified description of the INTERNET, are "a computers networks" or "networks of networks", an instantaneous and global messaging system. 

The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such,as,theinterlinked hypertext document, applications of the World Wide Web(WWW),electronicmailtelephony, and file sharing. Through many protocols.

Fact:- In 2011, researchers estimated the energy used by the Internet to be between 170 and 307 GW, less than two percent of the energy used by humanity.

How it works?

The internet mean connection of networks to network with the help of IP address. When we connect our computer to the internet, we are connected to a special type of server which is provided and operating by our Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISP mean whose provided Internet. ISP servers receive requests from browsers to view webpages, check email, etc. 

But each server can't hold all the information from the entire internet, so in these order to provide browsers with the pages and files they ask for, ISP servers must connect to other internet servers. This brings us to the next common type of server: the "Host Server". Servers mean whose we service provide.

Host servers are where websites "live". Every website in the world is located on a host server somewhere (for example, Coveragearea.Com is hosted on a server in Parsippany, New Jersy USA). The host server's job is to store information and make it available to other servers.

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