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Lightning: What is lightning and How they occur - Advantage and Disadvantage

Hi friends today we discuss on Lighting. Advantage and Disadvantage of Lightning

What is lightning:- 

Lightning is an electric Spark on a huge scale. It is caused due to accumulation of a charged on clouds.

On a Stormy day large particles of Clouds gathering electric charges. As we know in clouds there and Many small and large number of water droplets. The smaller water droplets acquire a positive charge and move upward region in the clouds on the other hand the larger water molecules Aquire negative charges and moves down.

Now when two clouds carrying charges come closer a discharge occur through a small air  gap between the clouds. The discharge is acccompany's the huge amount of heat sound and light.

The clouds at the tower end charge the building and Trees by process of induction such that they aquire opposite with respect to cloud due to this heavy flow of charge acquired between building and clouds. This heavy flow can damage several building.

The flow of charges from clouds and lightning. Lightning is harmful as well as has certain advantage and disadvantage.


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  • It cause the combination of atmospheric nitrogen with hydrogen to form Ammonia that is important constitution of nitrogenous compound.
  • It allow combination of oxygen to form ozone that protect life on Earth from harmful solar radiation. 


  • It can destroy properties and life.

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