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E-mail: What is E-mail and How they work

Email is a method of sending message voice, video and graphics over digital communication link, (such as internet) anywhere in the world at very effective cost rate.

What is electronic mail:-

Email is the process of sending a letter through the email the primary component of electronic mail system is a "post office" and Area on the shared hard disk that is reserved for mail.

The post office serves as the central massage and has both "in" and "out" basket for each user. To send a message, a link is established between sender's out basket and the addresses in basket.

Electronic mail programs often Local area network software or app ad-on option. Or, they may be independent programs designed to work with a particular network environment.

How E- mail Works?

The email is transmitted between computer system which exchanges message or pass them onto other sites according to certain internet protocol or rules of exchanging e-mail.

E-mail Addressing

An email address is composed of two separate parts.

  • The domain name of the email server computer on which you have an email account.
  • Your personal identity or account name username on that mail server.

For example, 100 peoples have an email account with the same ISP (Internet service provider) or Organisation all 100 user will share the same domain name (say hotmail.com or gmail.com) not but each person will possess a unique username such as Rajan or Rajesh.
The username and domain name are separated by an @  symbol together they form a complete email address

:- The steps for sending an email are:

  • Start an email program.
  • Give the address, where to send the email.Compose a message using the email program.
  • Give a command to send message.

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